I'm Emilie, 14- but very soon to not be-, living in England but not totally loving it, looking for a little more phizzaz in my life :) Enter blogger...
I've recently been experiencing an obsession with zines, so will soon get a few of the ones I've made on here (when I get the chance to scan then in- gahh). In future posts you can expect to see pictures of wierd/funny/just plain "what the hell?" stuff I see, inspiration pictures not taken by me, runway shots from my ol' friend style.com, random art projects I've done, and perhaps the occasional "what I wore", even though those can be cheesey and lame sometimes. Oh, and plus maybe the odd dream, which have been given much appreciation from my bud Sharp.
I you like fashion, inspirations, art etc, etc, the you might like this....... but no promises.
And with that, I leave you this...

Because scissors are my friends.
Love the big scissors :)